My Thought Scramble

A jumble of daydreams and ideas

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First and Foremost

Hello, blog world! I’ve created the cliché study abroad blog (but I hope to continue blogging after my upcoming adventure) <—who hasn’t said that before… Where am I going, you ask? Across the world and down under to Sydney, Australia! I still can’t believe it. So many questions to ask about the foreign country/continent/continountry I’ll be going geared up & ready to explore. Am I prepared? Not even close, but that’s how I tend to do things. Anyway, I hope to keep this updated during my trip and later into my future. A place I can write about anything and everything, why haven’t I started sooner?

Now, I must warn you, I’m no professional photographer — expect the occasional tourist pic, selfie or food shot — but my pictures will still please (I hope!). I created a bucket list for my journey on here and I’ll cross things off as I go. Comment with any ideas or suggestions please! I want to get the most out of my trip, trust me, I’ve been working my butt off this summer so I have dollah bills to spend over there.

The extent of my Australian accent is saying “Rise Up Lights” with a British accent (hint: it will sound like “Razor Blades”). Don’t think I’ll be trying that awful joke on true Aussies. I’ll just learn their lingo instead. In about a fortnight I’ll be packing my cossie and sunnies and leaving the states as a 3rd year at Uni! That’s a start, right?
